
The Importance of Digital Literacy

What is Digital Literacy and why it is important? In today’s interconnected world, digital literacy has become a fundamental skill that empowers individuals to navigate, understand, and effectively utilize digital technologies. Digital literacy encompasses a range of competencies, from basic skills such as using computers and mobile devices to more advanced abilities like critically evaluating …

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10 Këshilla për Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave për Gazetar

Jemi të lumtur të njoftojmë për publikimin e një udhëzuesi të ri mbi “Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave për Gazetarë”.Ky burim i ofron gazetarëve 10 Këshilla kyçe për të lundruar në peizazhin kompleks të mbrojtjes së të dhënave, ku përfshihen këshilla ligjore dhe etike se di duhet trajtuar të dhënat personale në mënyrë të përgjegjshme. Falënderime …

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Privacy in the Digital Age

Privacy in the Digital Age: Protecting Personal Data in a Connected World.
As technology continues to advance and become more integrated into our daily lives, the collection and use of personal data has become a growing concern for many people. With the rise of social media, e-commerce, and other online services, personal data is being collected and shared in ways that were once unimaginable.

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Privacy by Design in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Data

In today’s digital age, data privacy is more important than ever, especially in the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations collect and store vast amounts of sensitive patient data, including medical records, insurance information, and personal contact details. These records contain highly sensitive information that could be used to commit identity theft, financial fraud, and other cybercrimes. …

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